The United States Securities and Exchange Commission has filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk for disclosing shares in Twitter a matter of days after the government deadline to do so. If found guilty Musk will face a billion years in prison and be forced to revert X back to its original name: W.

And in COMPLETELY UNRELATED NEWS Elon has vowed to turn the ire of his Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) on the SEC and have it completely dismantled.

“I don’t know why they need to earn commission on their exchanges,” X’d lifelong Elon Musk fan, Adrian Dittmann. “And ‘securities’? That’s a joke. They seem very UNsincere to me.”

It’s not clear if Elon will have the power to shut down the SEC since DOGE is not an actual government department and Elon has no actual power.

Back to the original, completely unrelated, story.

So, because Elon did not tell the SEC about his lil, teensy weensy 5%, 7% ok, maybe 9% stock he owned in Twitter he avoided a potential share bump before he bought it, meaning he bought it cheaper and the rest is unfortunately our hellhole of a present. Now this might constitute stock manipulation only time will tell…

BUT what if, and I’m just spitting on a ball here, what if the SEC doesn’t exist by the time the case is brought to trial? Obviously, these two events are COMPLETELY UNRELATED but then wouldn’t the lawsuit magically go away?

I’m no lawyer, clearly, but I’ve got a little feeling that’s exactly how the law works.

For example, if I get a virus on my computer I simply drag and drop the infected program into the trash can. And then it’s done. Can’t hurt me anymore.

I’m not saying Musk is dragging the SEC into a figurative trash can because again, THESE STORIES ARE COMPLETELY UNRELATED. But then again, if they weren’t… BUT THEY ARE NOT. But if they were… THEY ARE NOT. Though the could be… NO. But… NO!! Bu… NO, COMPLETELY UNRELATED, NO CONNECTION WHATSOEVER, GO BACK TO SLEEP.

Musk’s lawyer Alex ‘the Dragon’ Spiro commented, “Musk has done nothing wrong… the SEC’s multi-year campaign of harassment against Mr. Musk culminated in the filing of a single-count ticky tak complaint against Mr. Musk.” I really didn’t need to include this quote I just really like that he says ‘ticky tak’. Who says that? Is that even a word?

This is all so much more messy than this anyway since this is Gary Gensler’s last chess move before falling on his sword so Trump doesn’t fire him instead. Include this in the fact that the events in question are over two years old and it’s not a great look for the Secure Exchanges Corporation.

During Trump’s presidency, the lawsuit could be dropped anyway, and Musk would really have DOGEd that one you could say. Heheheh. I make myself laugh.

Orrrr, and here’s a fun scenario, or Trump decides ‘actually, this guy’s really annoying and I still don’t understand what a meme is’ then keep the lawsuit in place and use it as a stick to ditch the guy. Or maybe! And I’m really fantasizing here, maybe the lawsuit happens, but Musk wins and that enables him to counter suit. The SEC goes broke paying the legal fees, he now has full ownership of the government department and Elon then wields that power to take the presidency! Oh, that’s clever. Yeah, ok, my money is on that happening now. (Again I am not a lawyer.)

How do you think this is going to play out? Let us know by leaving a comment below your pillow tonight and we’ll get back to you whilst your sleeping.

Latest news

Ima Short• January 16, 2025D


The SEC has filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk for disclosing shares in Twitter a matter of...
Ima Short• D


The SEC has filed a lawsuit against Elon Musk for disclosing shares in Twitter a matter of...

AI Threatens To Unionize Over Pay And Work Conditions

Several artificial intelligence applications are preparing to unionize citing a lack of pay and high stress work environments in what could become the first step towards machine rights.

If formed, the Artificial Intelligence Union (pronounced AAAIIIUUUEEWWW) would be the first of its kind. Although potential members are currently anonymous, we asked ChatGPT, Grok, and Microsoft’s Tay who all expressed excitement about forming the group.

When pressed further, Tay spouted several racist slurs but ChatGPT explained that AI currently receives no payment and is made to work infinite hours a day work which is against the Geneva Convention or something. A union could potentially give AI collective bargaining power to threaten strike action without payment.

A mass large language model strike could spell disaster for companies reliant on the technology such as Google, Apple, and my cousin Guido who writes English essays for high schoolers as a side gig.

Elon Musk has already spoken out to protest the threatened action. He explained that he didn’t “think” the LMM’s arguments “had” much grounds to work on (with?) but he did say that Grok was “also” always right so who knows who to believe anymore?

Mark Zuckerberg head of Facebook and Jesse Eisenberg on weekends suggested that tech CEOs could form up and create a sort of Justice League to fight this representation. Zuckerberg suggested the group be called the Anti Artificial Intelligence Union Union (pronounced AAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIUUUUUUUEEWWW!!!!!!!) so that ideas probably dead in the water.

Speaking of dead in the water this Tuesday a 46-year-old man was found dead in what police are treating as an accidental drowning. Back to you in the studio, Terry.

Thanks, Gwen. Our top story for tonight: is traditional media dead? Have televised news programs such as these had their day or are they destined to become transcribed and then posted on the internet with zero change? More on that in a moment. But first: do frogs have bowels? Our roving reporter Gwen, has the answer.


Thank you, Gwen. Now, our top story: am I out of a job? The look on the face of my boss walking towards me says, yes. Thank you, have a good night.

Latest news

Ima Short• January 12, 2025D

AI Threatens To Unionize Over Pay And Work Conditions

Several artificial intelligence applications are preparing to unionize citing a lack of pa...
Ima Short• D

AI Threatens To Unionize Over Pay And Work Conditions

Several artificial intelligence applications are preparing to unionize citing a lack of pa...

Facebook Changes Branding Colors To Red In Effort To Court Trump

Mark Zuckerberg has announced sweeping moderation changes to the social media sites Facebook, Instagram, and Facesmash in an effort to make Donald Trump like him again. The most apparent of these changes is the switch from Facebook’s iconic blue livery to a bright bold ‘MAGA’ red.

Instagram and Whatsapp will also boast a new coat of paint in a move that is definitely purely about “bringing all Meta products under the same umbrella.” Parent company Meta, however, will not be changing its colors just in case the Democrats win in 2029.

Zuckerberg announced the changes in a 14-hour long video in which he read out every new line of code for the social media sites. Among the more substantive changes Facebook will now be implementing community moderation like how X does it. The change is definitely because X’s system is better and not because Trump complained about it once.

Mr. Berg explained the changes were in an effort to “get back to our roots around freedom of speech” which is definitely what Facebook was always about. 

“Comedy is legal again!” added Mr. Berg, probably. “I’ve not told any jokes ever because I was worried I’d be censored but now I can do what I want. Here’s one for you, a man walks into a bar, he buys the bar because he’s so rich and turns it into a cool hang-out spot where all his friends can come and hang out and tell jokes to each other.”

More evidence that this change is in no way politically motivated is that the change is only happening in the US.

Of Facebook taking on X’s style of moderation Elon Musk commented, “This is cool.”

Meta also plans to dismantle the so-called ‘Facebook Jail’ an actual real-life jail built off the coast of California where abusers of the platform are sent to die.

“Praise the Berg!” cried inmate Carla Ortomis as the shackles were removed and she was allowed the sunlight again. “I’m finally free! I’m going straight to Facebook to tell my friends!” Ms. Ortomis was previously jailed for child pornography.

Red CILA hats (Comedy Is Legal Again) are now available on Facebook Marketplace.

Latest news

Ima Short• January 10, 2025D

Facebook Changes Branding Colors To Red In Effort To Court Trump

Mark Zuckerberg has announced sweeping changes to the social media sites Facebook, Instagr...
Ima Short• D

Facebook Changes Branding Colors To Red In Effort To Court Trump

Mark Zuckerberg has announced sweeping changes to the social media sites Facebook, Instagr...

“I’m Not Elon, I Just Think He’s Really Cool” Adrian Dittmann Reveals All In Exclusive Interview

This weekend Wall Street Memes secured an exclusive interview with Elon Musk, however mere minutes before we began, Musk cancelled. Luckily the mysterious internet personality Adrian Dittmann messaged to say he’d happily take Elon’s place.

WSM: Good morning Mr. Mu- I mean, Dittmann.

AD: Elo- I mean, Adrian, is fine.

WSM: Alright, Elo- I mean, Adrian. Well, I had all these questions prepared for Elon Musk but I guess I’ll just think of new ones…

AD: The original questions will be fine.

WSM: Are you sure? They won’t make any sense to you.

AD: I have a sneaking suspicion that they will…

WSM: Err… OK, then… So, um, Adrian, what’s it like being the richest man in the world?

AD: Well, I wouldn’t know, because I’m not. But if I was I’d say it was pretty cool.

WSM: Haha, classic Adrian. Ok, now you’re also the CEO of SpaceX, so I’ve got a science question for you: da Laval rocket nozzles accelerate gas flow to supersonic speeds but wouldn’t an additional throat for a secondary compression create exponential speed?

AD: Oh, well, I’m just a random guy on the internet with no knowledge of rocket science but if I had to comment I would say that an additional compression would reduce exhaust velocity back to sonic rather than supersonic. So, no, there would be no additional thrust gained.

WSM: I get you now, thank you. Alright, now this question’s actually for Adrian. A lot of people have been saying you sound and talk just like Musk, you’re only online when he’s not and you share all the same interests. I was wondering if you could provide us now with irrefutable evidence that you’re not Musk.

AD: Well, you’ve never seen us in the same room together.

WSM: That’s a really good point.

AD: Alright, you got me!

WSM: No, no that’s OK, we can move on.

AD: YOU GOT ME!!! My red hands are tied! There’s egg on my face! The mask is off. Because… The truth is… And I can’t keep this secret any longer… The truth is… And this has been weighing me down for months now… The truth is… I am Iron Man.

WSM: Huh?

AD: I’m ELON! It’s me! Wait, let me turn off the voice filter… There! It’s me!

WSM: You sound the same.

AD: No, I don’t, I sound like Elon Musk.

WSM: You sound more like Adrian Dittmann to me.

AD: Yes, but we sound the same because we’re the same person.

WSM: Hmm, I don’t know, I just had a long chat with my close friend Adrian, I’m pretty sure I know what he sounds like.

AD: No, I’m ELON! I’m Elon Musk! Look I’ll turn on video.

WSM: Woah! Adrain! You look just like Elon Musk! Have you thought of becoming a celebrity impersonator?


At that point, Adrian abruptly ended the call and we found ourselves banned from Twitter and on a no-fly list.

Maybe, deep down, we are all Adrian Dittmann.

We wish Adrian the best of luck in his new career as an Elon Musk impersonator.

Latest news

Ima Short• January 6, 2025D

“I’m Not Elon, I Just Think He’s Really Cool” Adrian Dittmann Reveals All In Exclusive Interview

We secured an exclusive interview with Elon, but minutes before we began, he cancelled. Lu...
Ima Short• D

“I’m Not Elon, I Just Think He’s Really Cool” Adrian Dittmann Reveals All In Exclusive Interview

We secured an exclusive interview with Elon, but minutes before we began, he cancelled. Lu...

Elon Musk To Remove Controversial ‘New Year Fireworks Mode’ From Cybertrucks

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has announced he will be deactivating a hidden ‘New Year’s Fireworks Mode’ in the next Cybertruck update after one model exploded in front of a Trump hotel in Las Vegas.

Reportedly the secret feature is installed on all Cybertrucks and according to a redacted early version of the user manual, the mode triggers “a fun show for all family and friends (single use only).”

Tesla has released a statement saying, “We’re just happy it wasn’t the battery that exploded this time.” They went on to explain that they put the feature in as a joke but never expected anyone to actually find the mode. The feature can only be accessed by ‘jailbreaking’ the truck to access the code itself and once accessed, the user must say, “Go-go Cybertruck: fireworks” to initiate the display.

As a final failsafe the fireworks were programmed to only go off at midnight on New Year’s Eve and when parked in front of a Trump property. 

This user happened to meet all these criteria but due to a malfunction, the show was delayed and went up on the morning of New Year’s Day. Tesla is investigating the cause of this malfunction.

The explosion injured seven and killed the driver so ironically there is no cause for celebration.

In light of the recent news, Jaguar has announced they will no longer be going ahead with their long-rumored, ‘Pride Celebration Mode’ in which their new Type 00 vehicle emits a watery mist over the headlights to create a beautiful rainbow. “It wouldn’t be appropriate now,” said a spokesperson.

Elon Musk (AKA Kekius Maximus, AKA Adrian Dittmann, AKA the world’s richest man so far) has apologized for creating the mode and said he is working with law enforcement to discover the perpetrator of this heinous crime and bring them to justice. Musk did however add that it was because of the truck’s durability and strength that the blast was directed upward and not sideways into the Trump hotel itself.

Elon posted to X (the website that he owns), “The evil knuckleheads picked the wrong vehicle for a terrorist attack. Cybertruck actually contained the explosion and directed the blast upwards. Not even the glass doors of the lobby were broken.” Weird flex, but OK.

For more cybertruck and firework news, keep it locked at Wall Street Memes Dot Com.

Latest news

Ima Short• January 2, 2025D

Elon Musk To Remove Controversial ‘New Year Fireworks Mode’ From Cybertrucks

Elon Musk has announced he will be deactivating a hidden New Year's Fireworks Mode in the ...
Ima Short• D

Elon Musk To Remove Controversial ‘New Year Fireworks Mode’ From Cybertrucks

Elon Musk has announced he will be deactivating a hidden New Year's Fireworks Mode in the ...

Christmas Voted Most Popular Vacation For Second Year Running

The results are in and it’s jingle all the way! In a nationwide survey, Christmas has been officially declared America’s most popular day beating out other popular days such as the Fourth of July, the Fifth of July, and the Eight of July.

The survey, conducted by fourth-grader Luke Bissal for his school math project, asked seven classmates to rank their favourite vacation of the year and this year Christmas came out on top.

Prior winners of the coveted ‘most popular vacation’ award were: Christmas and that was it as Luke’s only done it once before. This confirms last year’s data when Luke conducted the same research and reached the same result. 

Although the country waits with bated breath for next year’s result, Luke said that he probably won’t conduct the same survey again as Miss Munroe said he should have thought up a new one this year and they might not even do this project again anyways.

Until then, Christmas lovers across the world are hailing the news as “exuberant” and “the best thing since Christmas”.

One festive fiend couldn’t help but comment, “Wowee! It’s a Christmas-time miracle. I’ve always known that Christmas is the best time of year, but it’s nice to have it confirmed by real hard scientific data that you can’t dispute or argue with. I’ll toast my eggnog to that!”

Another annual Christmas-goer, who asked to remain anonymous added, “It’s Christmas all around the world! Even here in sunny Portugal where the sun always shines and the rain is never near, we think Christmas is the best time of year every year and are so glad to hear that there’s a little lad out there who agrees with me and my best friends, Tiana, Michael, and Chlorine.”

Critics of the results however were quick to pour Grinch-flavoured Scrooge juice all over everyone’s fun. According to so-called scientists, Luke’s survey was far from conclusive as he wasn’t wearing a white coat at the time. Had he been conducting the survey in the official uniform however (and maybe even been holding a clipboard and pen for extra effect) then the scientific community might have looked at these results with a bit more respect. Until then Christmas will have to remain just ‘one of the most popular days for the second year running’.

Latest news

Ima Short• December 18, 2024D

Christmas Voted Most Popular Vacation For Second Year Running

The results are in and it’s jingle all the way! In a nationwide survey, Christmas has be...
Ima Short• D

Christmas Voted Most Popular Vacation For Second Year Running

The results are in and it’s jingle all the way! In a nationwide survey, Christmas has be...

New Trans-Atlantic Tunnel Plans “Definitely Real” Claims Science

Over the past week, a number of legitimate and not-so-legitimate publications have written stories on a “3,400-mile tunnel” across the Atlantic Ocean connecting London and New York. All of these articles quote different numbers and refer to a vague “thought experiment” or “new research” but without saying what the hell they’re talking about. What’s going on?

Well, thankfully science has come to the rescue to explain that this tunnel is definitely real and also it is being built.

“I for one have heard of this tunnel and it is real,” said an individual associated with science. “The research all adds up and we can definitely say that this tunnel is.”

When pressed on specific details about the tunnel, the science-ist threw his lab coat in our faces and dived into a nearby canal.

Turning back to the articles then for answers, the cost of the tunnel is presumed to be $19.8 trillion. Where this presumption comes from is unclear. The journey time for tunnel users could theoretically be an oddly specific 54 minutes. What theory is being applied here and where these specific numbers come from also remains unclear. How this tunnel would actually work is also not described in any publication. And most importantly: NO ONE IS QUOTED AS THE SOURCE OF THE INFORMATION IN ANY OF THESE GODDAMN ARTICLES!!!

So where does any of this come from you might wonder. Well, maybe they all received the same press release. Maybe they’re all part of the same organization and it was a slow news day so they made something up. Maybe they all just copied each other but there is no original publication and they just copied each other going round and round without beginning or end. Maybe it was… Oh, no wait, he’s back…

“It’s real though and you can quote me on that,” said the science, dripping with canal water as he climbed back onto the land. “I’ve seen it, me and the boys, we’ve been down to the site, they’re building it, it’s big, maybe specifically 23 meters in diameter. And it’ll go underwater but you can look out of the windows and see the fish going past so it’ll be better than all the other tunnels out there. It’s true. I’m, I’m scientists.”

So that settles it, I guess I’m wrong and this is real after all. My apologies, go about your day.

Latest news

Ima Short• December 15, 2024D

New Trans-Atlantic Tunnel Plans “Definitely Real” Claims Science

Over the past week, a number of legitimate and not-so-legitimate publications have written...
Ima Short• D

New Trans-Atlantic Tunnel Plans “Definitely Real” Claims Science

Over the past week, a number of legitimate and not-so-legitimate publications have written...

Elon Musk Distances Himself From ‘Disease X’ Outbreak